Songlines of the Soul
The Tribal Pulse of Grandmother Drum
by White Eagle Medicine Woman- Suraj Holzwarth
Immerse yourself in the primordial sound of GrandMother Drum-emitting the "heartbeat" of Mother Earth. White Eagle takes us on a deep soul journey using the healing power of GrandMother Drum. Her voice with its primordial and transcendental quality, penetrates to the very heart and soul of our connection to the Earth.
White Eagle is the DrumKeeper of the GrandMother Drum International Peace Project. She is an internationally known singer, songwriter and performance artist. She received the vision of GrandMother Drum as the symbol of the Universal Heart that connects all races and cultures. White Eagle, with the assistance of the Alaska multicultural community, took more than a year to construct the 7-foot drum, inlaid with 200 crystals. It is covered by a giant buffalo hide.
The drum produces an incomparable sound that stirs the soul and is said to have tremendous healing effects. White Eagle definitely moves to the beat of her own drum and her charisma inspires others to live their dreams. She and GrandMother Drum complete four "Ring of Fire" World Tours. White Eagle's dynamic performances are well known for transforming the hearts of all involved, leading audiences in unified action on global issues of world peace, environmental stewardship and earth sustainability.
Her CDs include Journey of the Heart and Songlines of the Soul and the DVD GrandMother Drum: Awakening the Global Heart
"Concertgoers are shaken to the core by GrandMother Drum's soulful thunder, her universal power in undeniable." -Heather Resz, Anchorage Chronicle